Do You Need To Change Your Dirt? – Alkalinity vs. Acidity- Part 1


Beautiful Atlantic Sky

As I was on a cruise a few days ago to Nassau, Bahamas, dirt and death came to my never resting mind while sailing over water of all places. I began to think about all the people whose remains are in the ocean for whatever reason and I prayed for them. I begin to think about water balancing the ship and just thought ‘wow’. Ok, so I think too much.  However, I am amazed at how the Holy Spirit makes me think deeply about things on another level. All I saw was water and cloud formations I’d ne’er seen before as we sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. I love watching the sky. It was beautiful and it felt beautiful. It was a feeling of serenity being close to God’s creations that he spoke forth “In the beginning.”  God is the best balancer and protector of all.

Seeing the ocean also brought to mind the parable of the sower in Luke 8 and Mark 4 (TYHS)  Dirt is something we hardly ever give much thought to (especially when out on the ocean)unless  you are interested in digging graves, disturbing ancient graves, in the field of agriculture/forestry, or organic gardening to say the least.

I would go far as to say that dirt is of our essence because Genesis 2:7(KJV) reads- And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Has anyone given much thought to how many weeds have been marketed as “healing” grasses lately?  How much dirt can be found in oceans?  or Is their really “light at the end of the tunnel?” Those are my off the path thoughts. 


Room view Atlantic

Beautiful Cabin Porthole View Bahamas


As my travels were coming to an end, I thought about and realized many things that were very Holy Spirit inspired.  I’ll share three of them with you. I need to change my dirt, hence this blog. I have no fear or regrets when death presents itself. (For sure now, my children better not let others persuade them per my private pre-planned arrangements or else)  Lastly, for once, I need to focus on me. If you didn’t already know I’m a NATURALLY CERTIFIED caregiver, protector, and thinker for/about others. I even cry for those who start wars and I feel so sorry for the devil and his minions.

Now let us move on to definitions and other information about the A words before sailing any further. It’s back to the classroom science time kids.





Alkalinity – (n) – the quality or state of being alkaline
Alkaline- having the properties of or containing an alkali;
Alkali – (Agriculture): a soluble mineral salt or a mixture of soluble salts, present in some soils, especially in arid regions, and detrimental to the growing of most crops.
Acidity –  1. the quality or state of being acid. 2. sourness; tartness; bitterness
Acid – a sour-tasting material (usually in a solution) that dissolves metals and other materials; an acid is the opposite of a base and has a pH of 0 to 7. 
Brief rundown about pH     Reference Used

Simple Definition- pH is a logarithmic measure of hydrogen ion concentration, originally defined by Danish biochemist Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen in 1909 [1].  pH = -log[H+]  where log is a base-10 logarithm and [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per liter of solution. According to the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, the “p” stands for the German word for “power”, potenz, so pH is an abbreviation for “power of hydrogen”

Theoretical Definition -pH has been more accurately defined as  pH = -log aH+  where aH+ is the hydrogen ion activity. In solutions that contain other ions, activity and concentration are not the same. The activity is an effective concentration of hydrogen ions, rather than the true concentration; it accounts for the fact that other ions surrounding the hydrogen ions will shield them and affect their ability to participate in chemical reactions. These other ions effectively change the hydrogen ion concentration in any process that involves H+.

More important NOTES to think about from this article I found : How to change your soil’s pH
  • Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline.
  • The soil pH is important because it affects the availability of nutrients in the soil.
  • Consequently, most horticultural plants grow best in soils with a pH between 6 (slightly acid) and 7.5 (slightly alkaline).
  • The standard measurement of alkalinity and acidity is known as pH. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, which is neither acid nor alkaline.
    The Big Note- But before attempting to raise or lower your soil’s pH, you should first conduct a soil test to determine your current soil pH. 



Wayside and Rocky Soil


And now that brings us to the dirt port: Do you need to change your dirt?  If so, you will need to conduct a soil test. According to the parable, there were four types of dirt/soil: (1) wayside soil (2) rocky soil (3) thorn filled/ overcrowded soil, and (4) good soil. Jesus goes even further to explain how the seeds reacted to the soil upon which it had fallen. It is safe to conclude that the wayside, rocky, and thorn filled soil became full of acidity that changed its pH balance, which limited and/or killed growth activities.

This parable speaks on three things and its outcome; the Sower, the Seeds, and the Soils. Now, let me try to share my modern day understanding of what Jesus said about the first type of dirt. It’s all about hearing and seeing what you let into your heart and mind…alkalinity vs. acidity. It’s about a balance within the heart and mind. It’s about the tilling of your soul. Bottom line: “The sower soweth the word.” (Mark 4:14)

Wayside Soil

Have your spiritual pH fallen below 7?  Have you been trampled on repeatedly by many thus leaving you with a hardened heart even after being exposed to the word of God?  Have you become confused about your purpose in life due to stressors and or disabilities? Have you let some things just fall where they may; in turn allowing others access to come along and peck at the nutrients of your very being?  Have you had a negative change of heart about the word of God? If so, you have  quite possibly fallen to the wayside. Your level of alkalinity has given over to an all-time high acidic level. In other words, the devil has taken control of cultivating this soil.

Note – “The soil pH is important because it affects the availability of nutrients in the soil.”


A Soil Sample View–  As we know, nutrients are needed for all living things to survive and grow. This soil can represent ongoing stressors and or disability issues in a Believer’s/ Christian’s life that may harden one’s heart against the Word. It could represent people who have earnestly prayed  to God for answers and have yet to receive a reply. After all, we are all impatient humans. We grow tired of dealing with constant negatives and negative people. Negativity in many cases cause stress. It limits our ability to sow both physically and spiritually. Just take a look at the negative things sowing around the world.  

If a person believes he/she has no way of seeing the light of day, forget the light at the end of the tunnel; the stress and or disability in most cases will not allow the word of God to penetrate the heart unless therein exists a lit opening at the end of its tunnel. The devil dwells in dark tunnels which have no openings for light to penetrate its soil. He will come by the wayside and acidize the soils pH balance as he works to block penetration of the word (needed nutrient) of God.



However, beneath the hardness, somewhere there used to exist a spiritually balanced and penetrable soil that allowed the Word to provide its nutrients. Can you think about when, who, why, and what caused your dirt/soil to harden? Do you often feel abandoned by God? Do you get tired of church folk saying “everybody is going through something?” That saying has become a programmed church motto pretty much telling you to go away. Such a response is also lacking the compassion that Jesus had for all that came unto Him.

In essence, fellow Believers are telling you that they don’t have time for your issues when those five words fall out of their mouth and not their heart. (Ok, shoot me!) Are we not suppose to be there for one another, if only to hear? Did Jesus say to anyone that approached him with a problem?… “Everybody is going through something.”  No. In the Holy Bible, we will find many instances of which Jesus only told one individual to go away, or “get thee hence” and that was Satan and/or Satan’s indwelling in someone. This is why I believe that saying is about as wayside as one can get! It’s kind of like that overly used saying- “I get it.” I get tired of hearing it.

Before you know it, sermons will be given via text message while sitting in church. “Hallelujah” and “Amen” replies will be sent via text. It will be a pity for those who don’t own a cell phone. People have mastered a way of avoiding face to face and voice to ear communication with fellow Believers. It’s all wayside. Gasp! (Ok, so maybe I’m overthinking it with this scenario or maybe not?)

Nevertheless the cause for the hardening, there is still the opportunity to change your dirt.  Jesus taught his disciples that whatever seed falls upon this dirt will experience this: “Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.” (Luke 8: 12 )

Therefore beloved,  be encouraged to “believe and be saved.”  Let not your heart be troubled by the acidity within it. Ye that once believed in God, can believe in Him again so that ye believe also in Jesus. The right pH level of alkalinity that is detrimental to your growth in Him is in His word, not by the wayside. 

Stay tuned next week for part 2- Rocky Soil





Working and Confirming: What’s Unbelief Got To Do With It? – Mark 16:20

During the almost fifty five years I have been on this earth, I’ve not noticed the important information in this verse before. Isn’t the Holy Spirit a great person full of the knowledge of God? And not to mention that He shares that knowledge with us when we quiet ourselves and believe when He speaks to us.  Thank you for stopping in to read.

Mark 16:14- 20 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.  

What was unbelievable to me is that “the eleven” walked with Him for nearly three and a half years before His death and burial; they witnessed the miracles, and even performed miracles themselves; they were told beforehand about His resurrection from His lips, and was still found to be in unbelief when Jesus returned the first time.  Oops! That’s a heads-up warning sign for us about His second coming. (TYHS)  After His resurrection, for forty more days He walked the earth working and confirming the word with signs for all to believe. Although all of those people are dead, Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit to witness to us through His working and confirming. Lord, help our unbelief.

Question…Does the Holy Spirit work and confirms the word (task) with signs (actions) that follow when we have belief or when we have unbelief in God?

I’ve been wrestling with the Five Ws and one H since the beginning of February, so I wrote an article about it.  (Read my latest newsletter here for more details->  SheSpeaks4U)  It seems fitting to include the Five Ws and one H as an exercise in truth when we are dealing with occurrences of unbelief.  Who should I believe? What should I believe? When do I believe? Where do I find the truth to believe? Why do I need to believe? And the How can I believe?  Those were the questions the Holy Spirit also brought to my attention about unbelief as I read Mark 16 last eve.

Unbelief (skepticism) and hardness (resistance) of the heart appear to go hand in hand according to many bible verses. This grieves the Lord, especially after He has led us “through many dangers, toils, and snares.” What’s Unbelief Got To Do With It? Unbelief is the reason “the eleven” and the Israelites were “upbraided.” Let me share an example of these two things that go hand in hand that exists even today with the “partakers of Christ.”

In  Hebrews 2:1-4 we have been given a warning to pay attention.

We have also been given a warning against unbelief by the Holy Spirit in Hebrews 3:7-18. For “forty years” the Israelites yo-yoed up and down, back and forth between belief and unbelief.  Sin was crouching all around that desert. As I wrote that I had a LOL vision. Let me share it with you.  I saw sin in the form of a yo-yo string repeatedly going up and down from its spool labeled “Unbelief” in a desert. The string was cut from above by a hand holding a sword and poof, the desert became an oasis. Hmmm, now that was a message to me from the Holy Spirit.

Lo, I can testify from experience that unbelief can lead to sin crouching at the door. Disobedience to and rebellion against the Lord is just around the bend when unbelief yo-yo’s in and out of the heart. Amen. We all have and will experience yo-yo moments of unbelief. It is written. But God.  A remedy for those moments of unbelief is also written. It instructs us to “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” ~ (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Recall the story in Mark 9 told of the father who had a son with a dumb spirit since he was a child. Mark 9:17-26.  The father responded to Jesus’ inquiry with “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. It is evident that as a believer way back when and even now we experience unbelief with our mind and eyes along with a hardness of the heart. Because of these actions, more oft than not, we too must be upbraided (reprimanded or told off) by the Holy Spirit. It’s called conviction.  

Throughout the NT, we learn about the leadership and servanthood of Jesus. He worked and confirmed His works through believing in the Holy Father, teaching, rebuking, healing, shewing mercy, etc. His accomplishments can never be attributed through a working of unbelief.  Got it? His actions were in sync with His words and belief. Let me put it to you in a present day setting. 

soapbox smiley

Thar She Flows!

If you believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, don’t be up in the pulpit or on a stage preaching about the Lord when your actions and words show signs of unbelief in and disobedience to the Lord.  You will be upbraided by the Lord, even if it’s done via the Holy Spirit through another person. Don’t be in the pews and choir stands worshipping the Lord during the service, then afterwards display nasty attitudes, counterfeit smiles, and stares towards others while at the same time you experience an onset of the gossip-nitis plague. Those actions are in sync with the signs of unbelief.  Damnation is yo-yoing its way down to those “that believeth not.” You too, will be upbraided.

Let me close this by replying to the blog title…Working and Confirming: What’s Unbelief Got to Do With It? It has a lot more to do with it than we are willing to admit. “Let’s talk Gospel” as Noel, my WordPress brother in Christ would say.

  • Unbelief leads us to wander off to the land of disobedience.  Per say, would you partake in something or be obedient to someone that you have no belief in? When we read the OT, we find many stories of the Israelites belief and unbelief as they wandered in the desert for 40 years. Their disobedience to the Lord is what caused the wandering.
  • Disobedience stems from a hardened, i.e. “evil heart of unbelief.”  Such a heart leads to acts of sin that can cause a “departing from the living God.”
  • Unbelief hinders a believer from moving forth to preach the gospel everywhere. It stalls the working and confirming of the word with signs following.  
  • Unbelief resides in others who are against the Lord working and confirming the word with signs following to His believers. A great example of this is Satan’s indwelling of the prince of Persia. He delayed the angel’s attentiveness to Daniel’s “words” for twenty one days. Read the story here Daniel 10.
  • Today’s immigration laws ain’t got nothing to do with it!  And they (believers) shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.  And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last.~ (Luke 13:29-30) 

Lastly, here are two more questions for you to think about. How often does the Holy Spirit have to upbraid you because of your unbelief and hardness of heart? What is going on in your life right now that has caused you to have unbelief?


Easter is approaching, please listen to this:

 We Believe


I Love You

Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins

A Ready, Willing and Able Heart Requires A Building Up In Christ First- Exodus 35:5

Exodus 35:5 (KJV)~ Take ye from among you an offering unto the Lord: whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the Lord; gold, and silver, and brass,

As I read this chapter, it occurred to me once more how the heart plays a big factor in decision making to do for the Lord as a Believer. I try to echo this in all my SheSpeaks4U Seminars 4 the Heart and Mind. Thank you Holy Spirit for giving me an additional understanding found specifically in this one verse about having a willing heart. I get it! Yeah!

Can I share something with you? Sure. I made a decision last November to try one of those Read the Bible In A Year plans received from a church that I visited. I never thought much of those plans because I felt it wasn’t spirit led. However, God proved otherwise and I am doing well with it. He is speaking to me through verses I’d never given a second thought to over the years. I do miss picking out what I want to read over and over. My four older bibles have been marked up pretty good and I hate typing notes on my IPAD using that bible app, it’s just not paper. I have a love for writing on paper.

So my daughter-in-law asked me what I wanted for Christmas last year, I told her that I wanted a medium size KJV bible, because I did not want to start writing in the 20 pound bible I inherited from my pawpaw. Lo and behold, she bought me one with a matching bible tote and faith diary to write in. In the bible she wrote “To my real mother…” Aww that made me shed tears. Not many DIL’s consider their mother-in-law much, other than a babysitter.  As I was following the yearly plan in Exodus, she came to mind and the many who are trying to build bigger churches with unwilling and unable people came to mind.  Thank you for your reading patience.

And now, let us move along to a heavy message that should heave the heart of those that claim to love God, but their heart is not stirred with the Spirit of God. You may get angry about this message, and that’s ok, just don’t wake up tomorrow with the anger still in your heart. (Ephesians 4:26 message coming soon to a WP blog near you) I assure you the message is neither from me nor the evil one.

The text in Exodus 35-36 and the Holy Spirit showed me several things about having A Ready, Willing and Able Heart:

  1. A willing heart does not give sacrificially nor give according to legalistic issues. (It’s all SPIRITUAL)
  2. A willing heart does not have to involve pecuniary giving. (Everyone is not financially able to give, irrespective of what is preached)
  3. A willing heart is flawed when one gives after receiving a brash call (usually from the pulpit) to do so.
  4. A willing heart automatically produces an overflow (clothing, food, and appliance donations to homeless shelters is a great example; when storms hits, people give what they have with a willing heart to rebuild and help others)
  5. A willing offering occurs when a person gives of their knowledge, time, understanding, wisdom, on-hand items, and their gifted abilities when their “heart is stirred up” to do something for the Lord. (These abilities show that one is filled with the Spirit of God.)

To sum it all up, the following verses should explain what the Holy Spirit led me to understand about giving to and doing for the Lord (You should read Exodus 35- 40, to get to the nucleus of it all):

Exodus 35:10-And every wise hearted among you shall come, and make all that the Lord hath commanded;

Exodus 35:21– And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments.

Exodus 35:29– The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the Lord, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the Lord had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses.

Exodus 35:31– And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship;

The Outcome of A Ready, Willing, And Able Heart is here: Exodus 36:5-7- And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded to make. And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing. For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.

Another thing beloved…The Holy Spirit just reminded me of this and the scripture. The glory of the Lord will fill those that have such a heart. I’m not saying you’ll be walking around with a shiny face like Moses had, but someone will notice His glory in you. Let us not forget that our bodies are also the Lord’s tabernacle. (TYHS) Exodus 40:34-Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.

I was in the midst of a sermon preached that made my heart sick a while ago. The glory of the Lord was nowhere in the midst of that tabernacle. I love it when the Lord shows me when people are emitting twisted words while making demands on the body of Christ. There is a falsehood floating around in many small and even large churches about the “need” to build buildings costing millions upon millions of dollar to “house the people of God.” Quite a few people that I have come in contact with through my seminars believe this to be an ongoing negative issue within small churches. Lo, the Lord will handle the building of a building, whatever the cost, in His time. The focus does not need to be on a building; it needs to be on the heart and souls of those Believers who have lost their heart for Christ and for those who do not know Christ.

Why do people think a “new building will” automatically “change” a person into having a ready, willing, and able heart for God? Wisdom Speaks- A new atmosphere will not change the people of God that are dead set in their non-Christ-like behaviors and attitudes; those that have a return to Egypt lifestyle mindset, a stiff necked people. Remember the Israelites that were led by Moses?  I know of one church with about 150 members that sold their three million dollar building in order to purchase or build  a six million dollar building. Needless to say, that church lost quite a few members because of “greed from within and a relocation that caused life long family members to leave…” The church was “not experiencing any growth”… so I asked why would they sell and relocate. Their response blew me  away-“…pastors and leaders are always trying to build new churches and compete when they get tired of being in an older building….and then the prosperity sermons started…” This is a message to those that believe a “bigger and newer eye pleasing church will allow us to do more ministries to bring in more members.”  Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3 – You’re out.

God is watching every behavior and hearing every word that does not glorify Him concerning His tabernacle, i.e. your body. It’s not about doing more ministries, nor is it about “eye pleasing” others.  It’s about preparing those bodies inside the church to go outside of the church to spread the Gospel of Christ. It’s about preaching and teaching those in the body of Christ how to become a more ready, willing, and able member led by the heart that God has instilled His Spirit within.  Isn’t that what Jesus did with his disciples and other followers? We’re always running around here like a chicken with his neck broke claiming “Jesus is the head of my life” with an unrented, unwilling, and non-penitent heart toward others in the body of Christ. Negative behaviors of and toward those already in the body of Christ does not glorify God. That’s a sure sign of a heart attack taking  place in the body of Christ.

The Spirit of God has been beating me down for the last year (February 14, 2015) about getting this message out. Actually today is the anniversary date for me to share the entire message. Believers of Christ just can’t build a church on a rock when its members have not truthfully and wholly consecrated their heart to the Lord. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip, unless it is the Lord’s will. It’s not always about building a structure made of steel, wood, plastic, and bricks. Again, our call is to build up one another first in Christ and by sharing the message of the Gospel of Christ outside of church walls. We are also called to work with the gifts the Lord imparted to our hearts for His church. No brash demand, eye pleasing service nor new building can glorify God with a people lacking a willing and stirred heart.(Missing in Action)

Let us ask ourselves as shepherds and sheep, did God ever abandon those that He gave a willing heart to build something for Him? Again, buildings (old or new) do not help people to come to Christ, nor does it improve the heart’s status. It is those members in the body of Christ that worship Him in spirit and truth filled with a willing heart from the Spirit of God that will lead people to Christ to do for Him. Remember the cleaning of the cup from the inside is what makes it clean?  

Peradventure, the outcome that took place in Exodus 35:7 will happen, then a new building may be built because of the spiritual overflow.  We must start believing what Jesus said in John 4:23-24- But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth

Message Finale– You as a shepherd and/ or a sheep must spiritually have A Ready, Willing and Able Heart to build up and out for the Lord.  A stressed out congregation can not comprehend what it is to have a willing spirit. When the building up in Christ comes first, then comes the “stuff” you have will be “sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.”  (TYHS) Peace 2 you beloved.


I Love You

Love Covers A Multitude of Sins




The Other Way Around- Exodus 13:17

And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt:(KJV)
 When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” (NIV)

As I was reading in Exodus earlier, this passage really hit at the brain waves hard. It was another Thank You Holy Spirit moment. (TYHS) I’ve been getting so many messages from the Holy Spirit in this study of reading through the bible in a year calendar. It amazes me that messages received are messages that I need to heed.

When we are going through life we more oft than not get caught up and lost in many of its issues (wars).  We experience so many emotions that hinder our health, our thinking, and our ability to do what the Lord has intended for us to do. We even see things differently through the mirror of fear. Stress can cause quite a few of us to have a mental breakdown over some of life’s issues, and in some cases it even causes death.  Most people never get to go the other way around an issue either because of a spiritual or physical death. I repeat Stress Kills.

The message I received is that therein exist The Other Way Around, when God plans a move(change) for you. God, who knows your heart, your fears, your thoughts and how you will react, will redirect your steps to be in line with His plan. Majority of the time we are a hard-headed people and try to choose our own route. This passage showed me that the Lord our God desires for us to avoid certain wars in life because He knows us well. Sometimes He will take you away from the war that lies ahead, as He did the Israelites leading them not through the way of the land of the Philistines. After this morning’s epiphany I have to believe that He will do the same for us today.

Our life issues may differ; some will get around wars and some may go through wars to get to where God has intended for them to be.  It is often preached that you have to go through something to get where God wants you to be. There are many other stories in the bible that alludes to that statement. Well, I agree because for generations, to be exact for “four hundred and thirty years” (Read Exodus 12:40-42), the Israelites were in bondage to the Egyptians before Moses was chosen to lead them out of Egypt. For many years they went through some heavy oppression before becoming desert wanderers.

roads2Even today some are living in an oppressive state. Peradventure, time comes along to move us out of oppression; we become glad until we hit a bump or fork in the road. We become confused about where we are to go. I have realized that through faults of our own, we try to move ahead of God only to find out that we went about dealing with the move in a wrong way (the bump or fork in the road).  




Sometimes we as Christians don’t realize that there was the other way around (God’s Plan) until after the fact.  But, here’s the grace… God will still lead you the other way around when you submit to and trust in His ways. Quite often we take a short cut or a short route to accomplish or change something. Often times that cut leads to a war within our very being that affects our mental and physical health.  It affects our relationships with others. It affects our trust and belief in God. It even makes us want to return to whatever our Egypt was.

My prayer is that we all come to realize that there is the other way around. It is the way that God has planned for us when we find ourselves oppressed and in bondage by many of life’s issues. The word says “And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and by night: He took not away the pillar…..”(Exodus 13:21-22) What does this say to you?  It tells me that as He was with the Israelites, so shall He be with us to take us the other way around too. Amen.

Enemy Tactics…Remove Yourself and Be Not Afraid

Matthew 12:9-14
 And when he was departed thence, he went into their synagogue: And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him.  And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?  How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.  Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.

Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.

 They say that there will always be someone around that we do not get along with, i.e.. someone we do not see eye to eye, nor heart to heart with on things.  Ok…It’s Life.  But, why must an indifference turn into one starting a war, one wishing ill will upon another, and/or one plotting  evil against another to destroy them?  If you think deeply about it, at the heart of many indifferences lies fear; not hatred for others.  Sooooo…why is fear such a strong natural practice for the human race?  I don’t know for sure, but I do know that we can better prepare spiritually if we become more aware of who the real enemy is.

Off Beat MomentI have noticed one thing about this next presidential election…It is a fear based election. That’s enough politics from me. The Pharisees…were they not a type of political group?  🙂

I don’t believe there is any bible verse stating that Jesus was fearful of any plots against Him.  I did love His action plan which took place in Matt.12:15 –But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all; 

There is a possibility that some are not aware of the two things Jesus set forth as an example to us in that passage when dealing with enemies:

 (1) He removed Himself from their presence.

(2) He did not let the enemy keep Him from doing God’s will. (That deserves a Praise the Lord shout out!)

pharisees plot

Enemies know how to work as a close knit group and they communicate very effectively amongst themselves to set a motion into action. As I was reading in Matthew 12 earlier, I was led to focus on enemy tactics. I’m so happy to be sharing them with you beloved readers. (TYHS!!!!) 

  1. They will watch you.
  2. They will call a meeting(council) to order.
  3. They will speak against you.
  4. They will proceed in acts against you such as avoidance, gossip, look over their eyelids past you, try a sneak attack on you in a sermon, and walk a crooked mile behind you.
  5. They are behind the pulpit and in the pews aka body of Christ. Be watchful of their actions towards you and pray for them. Be like Jesus, remove yourself from them and carry on with whatever gift God has given you to minister to others in Jesus name.
  6. They will try to limit the use of your spiritual gifts.
  7. They are prone to err.
The ignorance that goes on in the body of Christ is a truth that hurts not only the Believers in His house but, It Hurts God.
Wisdom Moment– During my study, I believe I’ve found the best advice on how to deal with an enemy and a great quote. (TYHS) It is found in Deuteronomy 20:1:

When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies , and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.        


I Love You
Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins             

And While He Lingered… The Lord Had Mercy – Genesis 19:16

And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the Lord being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city. And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my Lord: Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: Behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live. And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou hast spoken. Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.(Genesis 19:16-22 KJV)

Most are familiar with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, right? I wanted to share with you something the Holy Spirit shared with me concerning this story . It’s about lingering, the Lord’s mercy, and yes, the sin of not helping others (doing nothing) and leaving the people of God to be consumed in a place of chaos. (Ouch 1!)

doing nothingquotesWe as the people of God in this very day and age, still linger when He tells us to go. We as his people also have a bad habit of looking and running the other way when we need to hold the hand of (help) others; we knowingly and cowardly let them become consumed. Why? Is it because we don’t have or never had anyone to grab us by the hand like the angels helped Lot, to lead us out of the place we are in to avoid being consumed? Have we forgotten how to show mercy to and make sacrifices for others? (Ouch 2!)

We are taught and told by many that God doesn’t speak directly to us anymore as He did the prophets of old. That could be true for some, however, He does speak to us through his Holy Spirit, others and His angels, those who He have given charge over thee per King David’s experience. “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”- (Psalm 91:10-11) and,  “For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.”(Luke 4:10-11) *Be*


Toe Stepping Moment

The four ethical questions I have when chaos hits are: (1) While most linger when God tells us to go; shouldn’t we have family, friends, or someone in the body of Christ helping us to go forward? (2) If so, then why has the church become a place concerned with the building up of a larger or new building while neglecting to build up its very members? A lot of churches have forgotten about planting seeds, they are more concerned with planting cement. (3) Why do family and so-called friends take off in the opposite direction, choose sides, or ignore the ones in need when chaos presents itself?  The elephant is always present and its presence is always ignored seemingly to be the norm for most. (4) Have you ever seen a herd of sheep around an elephant? (Ouch 3!) Ok, I’m stepping off of toes now, mine included. 🙂

It was made manifest to me that through the interceding’s of Abraham (Gen. 18:23-33) and by the hands of the Lord’s angels that Lot would have never gotten out of the chaos (place) on his own for he was comfortable living there amid the chaos. Let me bring it to you on another level. Sometimes we worship where we live no matter what is going on around or in that place. Sometimes we worship a church place for the wrong reasons, and/ or a  place of employment and we linger when the Lord is telling us to go elsewhere less we “be consumed.”

We should learn that the Lord always have something better planned for us(Joshua 1:9, Jer. 29:11) even through those people, places, or things we have a hard time of moving away from or losing. In verse 22, we find the angel of the Lord telling Lot, that he cannot do anything until he “be come thither”(KJV) or “flee there quickly” (NIV) *Come*

Uh oh! I just had a ‘the boot doesn’t fit’ laughing moment from the movie Toy Story 2 to insert here. Let me share it with you.

Jessie: You callin’ me a liar?
Woody: Well, if the boot fits.
Jessie: Say that again.
Woody: [slowly enunciating] If the boot-tah fits!

In this case, the “boot-tah” doesn’t fit, (and I love boots) therefore I am not a liar when I made mention of the above occurrences. 



Sacrificial Thinking Moment– Lot tried to give his own daughters over to the violent men for sex, instead of giving the angels over to them for sex. He did not linger in that thought. Why not? What a sacrifice for a father to make to keep God’s own angels (people) safe! Get it?



When there is someone in need of your help and you know that they need help(spiritually or physically), though they linger and have not asked, put forth your hand to help them move out of the chaos. *Thither* This is the time when God speaks through his angels(you quite possibly) to relay a message  to others. Trust me, it is true. I don’t know about you, but I always know when someone is going through something and I do not hesitate to help people in some way. I have put my own self at risk of losing things to help others out. I know that the Lord will see me through my loss. I am also guilty of not asking others for help-Lord help me in that area. This is what the people of God do for one another. There is no time for gossip about what one is going through.

We who are of the Lord better Wake UpNo More Lingering; we are to stretch out a helping hand to one another and stop thinking of self and self’s earthly possessions, positions, and what others think. For the word said “And while he lingered the men laid hold upon his hand…”  It was the light for me in His word beloved that this was a show of mercy from the Lord on Abraham, not just on Lot and his family. Are you not of Abraham’s seed? It also shows us that when one who art in the body of Christ is hurting, that in spiritual reality, all are hurting. The Lord does not want His people to live in hurt, nor to linger. 

Do you know someone who is lingering? If so, go back to the ways of old…the Lord’s Way in helping others who linger. Where is your show of mercy (your helping hand)?  For the Lord’s angels said:… “for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither.” In other words to stop lingering when He tells you to “Go” and to stop lingering when it comes to helping others.

I’m going to end with more words from Toy Story 2. (TYHS) Find the hidden message that is relative to this post(three words are located thither*)

Alien toys: You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
Mrs. Potato Head: You saved their lives? My hero! They’re so adorable. Let’s adopt them!
Alien toys: [Gathering around Mr. Potato Head] Daddy!

 I Love You

Love Covers A Multitude of Sins



He Is Not Afraid To Approach You and Taketh You Up

Matthew 4:1-11
Biblical Insight-There are three Key Responses To Use when you are approached and tempted by the devil and those that do his bidding for him:
  1. “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
  2.  It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”
  3. “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
Results of the Responses
“Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.”


The devil, aka the tempter, when he thought Jesus was at his most vulnerable moment, tempted Jesus three times and twice he “taketh”/lifted/carried  Jesus up. Get this! He actually touched Jesus by lifting him up and setting him down or upon. That’s a “Whoa???” moment for me. Let’s have a look at these three times from a worldly perspective(TYHS):

  1. He tempted Jesus by using the you are in a position to make commands, so do it. You don’t need anyone’s authority. If he/she can do it, so can you.  Most are familiar with this type of temptation. If they can do it you can do it too… you know the go over your bosses head, not consulting with others, just do it because you are a child of God’s propositional temptation? How many of us have been taken to a higher level by others and put in that type of situation, going over God’s head  to become a commander of things and people? You don’t listen to others, LISTEN to God. He still speaks to you TODAY. When the time comes for you to face God, you will be facing Him alone; not with the people who have tempted you on their own authority.(Acts 4:18-20, Acts 5:9, Ephesians 5:21, 1Peter 5:3, Hosea 8:1-6, 1 Corinthians 11:3, and John 5:19)
  2. He tempted Jesus by using the prove it, if you are who you say you are methodical deception temptation(my new thought words). We do not have to prove anything to anyone on this earth. All we have to do is Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) That’s It! One verse.
  3. He tempted Jesus by using the you can have whatever you like as long as you bow down to me temptation. I think there is a song out there called “Whatever You Like.” 🙂 Most are also familiar with this type of temptation whereas a person(the fooled) becomes a bootlicker, brownnoser, kowtower, the a-k word, lackey, and/or a backscratcher. “It’s a short step from lip service to brown-nosing” is a common sayingPeople that have taken this step have fallen off of the high mountain they were taken to by others. People have a habit of feeling indebted to others who give them whatever they like. Notice that the word NEED is missing when presented with such a low temptation promising high expectations from others.(TYHS) Jesus gave us a clear example that this is not how the people of God should be. If we choose to serve God, then God provides for our every need. Enough said. (Genesis 9:3, Genesis 22:13-14, Psalm 34:10,Matthew 6:31-32 and Philippians 4:19)

Mountain Top Insight– People who want to control you have issues controlling themselves and they are a people who are not led by the Spirit of God. Let’s label them as ‘Sweet Talkers’ and Fake Morale Boosters. I’m sorry I can’t work with or fathom the thought of the people of God being positionally fake.(Sigh!)  Most likely these type of people have already experienced temptation in some form and know its outcome. The devil (our greatest example and foe) was tempted to control God’s kingdom; look where it got him and his followers…booted out(Rev.12:9). For edification please read 1 John 2:19-27.

We should remember that we have always been a vulnerable people that need the Lord since being put out of the Garden of Eden. More so now than ever. It is a fact that God will send His angels to minister to us( those who trust and believe in Him) at our lowest moments. The Holy Spirit will guide us. (Matthew 4:11, John 16:13) There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Therefore, let us be strong in the Lord as Jesus was, because if the devil approached Jesus…took him up and “setteth him”, know this one thing beloved: 

He Is Not Afraid to Approach You And Taketh You Up.

Henceforth beloved, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

Because In Reality

“We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are.”Talmund


I Love You

Love Covers A Multitude of Sins



What Prize Are You Running For? Check out this message from Sella Irene.

Beautiful Words

The seventh runner

In the previous post, the marathon race has ended and the all runners were succeed to complete the race has got reward a trophy from the king (click here). Actually the king has provided trophies as much as the race participants. But unfortunately, not all runners could complete the race until the end. The race actually wasn’t too difficult as imagined because the king has provided the helpers along the race line who always ready to help if the runners got the trouble. The king was simply wanted each runner ran to the finish line appropriate with the given time. Then what was caused not all runners could complete the race? Many things. Each spiritual growth, character, attitude, and the way we think will affect how we live and define our final results.

At least, there are six types of the runners (read: the believer) who could not finishing…

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Isa 42:16 (2): “Entering The Unknown By Faith”

Great Study. Get to it!

Settled In Heaven Blog

SIH TOTT ICON(“Our Blindness To The Events Our Future Holds”)


Folks, as the New Year comes upon us, we are reminded that we are embarking on a new part of our life’s journey that is filled with many unknowns. These unknown events can challenge a Christian’s faith to its very core. This is the reason that I felt it was important to take a few devotional lessons and address keys to “Entering The Unknown By Faith”.

In this six part devotional series, we will be looking at Isaiah 42:16. This is a wonderful text to use in this devotional series. In this series, we will learn about how to handle unforeseen, challenging life events based upon our trust in the Lord and His enabling graces.

Lord willing, by His grace alone, we will be uncovering the wisdom found in God’s Word that will help us to handle all…

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